VMED Telehealth
Telehealth Access
- Unlimited urgent care telemehealth visits
- Coverage for all family members of your household under the age of 26
- Prescription Drug Coverage
- Coverage of 800+ Generic prescription drugs
- Free home delivery
- Remote Health Monitoring
- Quickly measure your body vitals &
- Blood Pressure
- Heart Rate
- Heart Rate Variability
- Temperature
- Blood Oxygen
- Respiration Rate
"The answer to affordable healthcare!"
"It's total healthcare at your fingertips!"
"Access to unlimited urgent care telemehealth visits!"
"Over 800+ covered medications when you use our free home delivery service!"
"Accurately measure 7 body vitals and 2 stress tests in under 60 seconds!"
Health Monitoring Device
Remote Health Monitoring Device
- Quickly measure your body vitals
- Blood Pressure
- Heart Rate
- Heart Rate Variability
- Temperature
- Blood Oxygen
- Respiration Rate
- Gold + $49.99 / 30 Days + $149.99 For The Device
- Bronze + $24.99 / 30 Days + $149.99 For The Device
- Device Only For $149.99